Gallery: 目黒不動尊 (Megurofudouson) and 林試の森公園 (Rinshi no Mori Park)
With Golden Week, arguably the biggest public holiday in Japan, coming slowly to its end, here’s a small gallery from a trip me and my wife went on yesterday.

With Golden Week, arguably the biggest public holiday in Japan, coming slowly to its end, here’s a small gallery from a trip me and my wife went on yesterday. 目黒不動尊 is the closest Buddhist temple to my house and I have to say, it immediately became one of my favourite temples of all times – not necessarily due to its proximity to my house but thanks to its openness and how much you can explore (even though you can’t take photos of everything, unfortunately). Hope you’ll enjoy!
And no worries, photos of the apartment itself and the area around it are coming soon™️, I promise.